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The windows built-in Sound Recorder software does not have an option to record sound from the Speaker. You might want to download a portable version of "Audacity" Audacity Portable | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives and use it instead. See screen shot I managed to record from stereo mix in Audacity by changing "Interface Host:" to "Windows WASAP". Thanks! I'd still like to know why it doesn't work in regular way!? MS Windows Sound Recorder should be able to record from "Stereo Mix" if it is set to record from it. However, it doesn't work for some reason. Probably because of the driver. Go down to the audio icon in your system tray, right-click it, and go to �Recording Devices� to open up the proper settings pane. In the pane, right-click on a blank area, and make sure both �View Disabled Devices� and �View Disconnected Devices� options are checked. You should see a �Stereo Mix� option appear. In some cases, your audio chipset drivers aren�t helping your cause. Most likely, this is because they�re outdated. In other instances, however, it�s because the newest Windows 7 drivers don�t support this feature. This was the case on my Asus Eee PC (a 1000HE), but I got around the issue by downloading and installing the older Windows XP/Vista drivers for my audio chipset. As always, before changing your drivers, make sure create a system restore point in case things don�t go as planned. exit intent: