wichtig: nochmal hier leesen: wensn um geistige heilung geht, untterstütze die menschn mit meditationen!"!!! Its possible- the moment you think it’s impossible, it becomes impossible. I’m regrowing my damaged tooth as we speak. I purchased a product from the company Tools for Freedom ( that was about regenerating organs and the body, and this consisted of a documentary on Arcady Petrov's work. Apparently, some people have regenerated things, including teeth, just by reading his trilogy of books. If this doesn't work, they say you can attend his seminars and the healing will start. I think the documentary is on YouTube, and Petrov has his own channel. Other ideas I've come across to help teeth in general are doing oil pulling, rinsing with natural Sea Salt and brushing with a toothpowder like Bentonite clay in order to help remineralize teeth. Recently found a Russian named Arcady Petrov who regenerated an organ and helped others regenerate teeth and organs: Hallo zusammen, habe leider mit den ganzen Krankheitsbildern über Frakturen täglich zu tun. Warum. Ich bin bei einer Firma beschäftigt, die Ultraschallbehandlung zu Knochenewachstum-Stimulation anbietet. Jetzt werden gleich einige aufmerken, ja was hat der bei uns zu suchen, dem geht es gut und der will auch noch Werbung und Verkauf bei uns machen. Ja und Nein. Ich möchte Ihnen allen Informationen über Ultraschallbehandlung zur Frakturheilung und Knochenwachstums-Stimulation vermitteln, die übers Internet jedem zur Verfügung steht. Ultraschall zur beschleunigten Frakturheilung wird in den USA seit Mitte der 90er Jahre angewandt und dort mittlerweile auch von Kassen bezahlt. Auch in den BeNeLux Staaten wird das durch die Kasse bezahlt. In Deutschland wird die Zahlung durch die Kassen schwierig, weil das keine Kassenleistung ist! Ultraschallbehandlung zur schnelleren Frakturheilung und Pseudarthrosebehand-lung wird wissenschaftlich seit den 50er Jahren untersucht und hat inzwischen international Anerkennung. Deutsche Profs. wie Gert Muhr oder Edgar Mayr haben klinische Untersuchungen durchgeführt und bestätigen diese erfolgreiche Behandlungsmethode. Bei vielen Berufsunfällen zahlen die BGs, einige G-Kassen scheinen der verkürzten Heilung nun offener gegenüber zu stehen, aber zeigen sich arg widerstandsfähig bei der Genehmigung der Behandlung. Auch viele Ärzte sind noch nicht richtig überzeugt, diese Gründe geben sie nicht gerne preis. Ich hoffe, dass ich mit wenigen Hinweisen Ihre Bedürfnisse der Heilung verständlich erklärt habe, und wünsche Ihnen gute Besserung und alles Gute. Bruno Schulz ps die Behandlung heisst, niedriginten-siver, aber hochfrequent gepulster Ultraschall zur beschleunigten Frakturheilung complete guide vitamine wie nagel glycerin mauch evtl auch verdauung verbessern neue geräte: If using the ultrasonic or Novasonic massager directly in the mouth do you need to use a gel on the teeth or gums? How long should you massage them for? Would be interested to know too if Mary ever replied. Of course you can regrow teeth. I know someone who is doing it successfully as we speak Seems to me like the researcher never updated because it works too good, so you may not hear anything about it again. May 24, 2010 at 8:02 am I’m amazed, absolutely amazed. In 2002, I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled because I thought that the infection my tooth had only option was to have it pulled. Fortunately, I was able to save the root and my dentist did a root canal as well as bridge work. Last month, 8 years later, pieces of the bridge work started falling off until the whole thing fell off. Mind you, I did not want to go back to my dentist to have this taken care of because this is very expensive work. So I decided to leave my root unattended until I managed to save some money for dental work. Because of the hollow space, my tongue would naturally start touching the root and the amazing happened. After I thought I had no other option than to have the root extracted or have another bridge work, which I did not want, the amazing happened, little by little I noticed that the rooth was growing a tooth. A perfectly healthy tooth! I was so alarmed at this that I did some research on this and found out that as long as there is root left, and the area is massaged constantly, a new teeth/tooth will regrow. Amazing, I’m just astounded at how our bodies are made…. Reply Sal says: June 20, 2010 at 11:56 pm If it had a root canal then it’s dead. You’re talking nonsense. Reply Mark says: January 21, 2011 at 2:06 pm Not exactly speaking nonsense, Had something similar happen. Had a root canal, but the tooth had 4 and they did 3 of the 3/4 of the way. After about 8 years my crown popped off and the post came out, turns out that the root had started to grow and created pressure that cause the post to come out. Unfortunately one of them got infected so I had them redo the root canal. About 6 months later the post got loose again and discovered the 4th one that had been hidden before was creating a new surface under the crown/post and allowed seepage. The dentist was upset that the first dentist had missed this and done such a horrible job of the root canal and said I should get my money back for the job. So I went ahead and had the other root canal done and returned to the other dentist, who had already retired. I felt stupid when he said I was suppose to return as he had only removed the damaged part of the pulp and left room for the pulp to try to return. Which happened some years later. looking back on my records he had me schedule to come back in 1 year for an update because I had agreed to a clinical trial. He told me that a few people teeth could recover this way. Now I feel stupid for not following up with his clinical trial at the time. I don’t think the odd are good, but there are a few of us that has the root (if some is left) regrow. I do know that about 7 years later I started to use an ultrasonic toothbrush but don’t know if this had any effect(affect). August 16, 2010 at 9:08 pm Well. I am ordering a Novasonic now! To add to my many theraputic devices that I buy. To re-grow & repair teeth. It is recommended to take Cod Liver Oil. Alone this is suppose too repair Teeth. Being an expet on Longevity & Rejuvination. I will advise you to visit Jon Fox website Hillarion & his Omni inert gas device with Xenon. Or just moo & bahh like Herd mentality, nay sayers always do.your welcome. Get a life with all this I bought this , I bought that, bullshit. Grow up , they are doing research on ways to repair and regrow teeth , but its nothing more then research still. No clinical trials in humans , stop trying to sell your bs to people with hope. Reply Rich of Consolidated Health Research says: September 19, 2010 at 7:44 pm Actually, if you did your home work, you would find that they did their home work and first had great success regrowing teeth in rats or mice then did in fact go to clinical human trials and had great success also. It is a PROVEN science now. “HOWEVER”…you also cannot just go buy a vibrator and do the same job. They also in a manner of speaking, seed the tooth root with a prepared substance which helps also to get the desired result. But it does require “both” to get the result. Reply Frank Eldredge says: January 1, 2011 at 4:35 am Your comment is salient and logical. We are the importer for No America. see at: Regards, Frank Eldredge, PhD I’ve been thinking about buying one of these devices for awhile now, but before any critics jump on this idea I just want to share some personal experience. First of all I stopped using floride awhile ago. Last year I cracked one of my molars from grinding my teeth. It’s only been the past 2 years or so since I started grinding from stress. A mouth guard offered little relief. Next thing I know I’ve cracked my tooth down the middle half way down, and am in a dentist office getting my tooth drilled down and some filling put in. During the process the dentist created another crack in the tooth. I was brushing 3-4 times a day with Sensodyne to keep the pain at bay. Plus ibuprofen. I started doing my research on tooth regrowth. Found alot of interesting info including the LIPUS. My first step was to toss all flouride products. I, my wife, and son started using an olive oil based tooth brushing soap. After about 3 months I noticed the crack through my tooth was moving away from the center. A year later it’s only a small line. You ever notice if a light is shined on your teeth you see fine lines? Yeah, those mostly went away too. My wife and son had a visit 2 months ago and a perfect bill of health for their teeth and gums. My next step is LIPUS. Maybe I’ll come back here and message when my filling falls out and the tooth regrows. P.S. My sisters a dental student, and my brother was a dentist. Can’t deny what they see though ;) me again i used toothsoap and toothswish and i had a large cicle like crack on my frontright tooth and after 4 months it’s just a outline.most of my enamal in the past i brush off when i was 10 i thought i was washing my teeth properly and recently drank a lot of juice so i had very little enamal(i’m 26 now)and now it’s growing back. i also have half a dozen craked and chipped teeth my front teeth are brittle and 6 days ago started useing G5 Organic Silica 3 times a day if i notice my cracked teeth growing back i’ll let you know. i’m so worried because i only have my right side to chew food and it is getting worse. i hope someone who has been successful will update us. Reply I healed my teeth by lightly brushing two or three times per day with Pure Xylitol (not the mouth rinse).Buy the “packets”like sugar comes in. Xylito is wood grain alcohol but you will think it is sugar (but it is not sugar!)”taste Great”too! When I can’t brush I even pour on tounge and crunch the granules up in between my teeth and swish the product throughly around and between my teeth for about three or four minutes then spit. In the AM and PM simply pour the packet in palm of hand dip a “dry” tooth brush in the xylitol power and brush. (no water needed)A flood of natural saliva will kick in and do the work! Warning Xylito is safe for humans but is highly toxic to our pets.This has to do with their liver function. No kidding I have found that xylitol will erase small cavitys and will stop a large cavity in it’s tracks allowing the dental hole to actually fill itself naturally to a great extent and repair itself to a large degree in a very short time span. I have also found any large decay that might be left behind stops growing immediately and becomes hard and useful for chewing again. PS: You will also immediately notice a pinker tounge and fresher breath the very next morning you awake. Stick with it because xylitol begins working day one by stripping (all) of the tarter away from teeth.Therefore the bacteria that feed on that tarter have no way to grow. This means there is no acid left behind on the tooth enamel which is what causes a cavity to form in the first place!(whitens too with out harming enamel) PS: For tooth abscess:100%liquid “golden seal will totally kill any infection usually over night.(comes with it’s own dropper.) If the mouth is severly tender or(in case the affected area is an upper tooth)simply use 3 to 6 drops mixed in with a “mouth wash bottle cap”filled with water. Swish solution for a couple of minutes and spit.Then place fingers on the out side of jaw and press the infection right out from under the affected tooth.Do this several times a day if possible and always at bedtime (till infection is gone). Golden seal was first used by native american indians for oral issues (including mouth cancers) and was also used as a natural yellow dye.Don’t worry it will brush off the teeth easily. After swishing “only spit” the solution do not rinse as this dilutes it’s medicinal effects.(works under caps and crowns too) If ever in a tooth ache 911 emergency!!!! Place a slice of fresh cut garlic clove on top of or below the hurting tooth and gently bite down.Garlic is a natural antibotic-pain killer! The pain will subside almost immediately. (This also works under caps and crowns) After a minute or so remove the garlic from mouth and if it’s time for bed you will be able to sleep all night pain free.Do not hold raw fresh garlic in mouth for too long or it may irritate the jaw! For simply restoring teeth from cavity damage remember to stick with xylitol,and ignore other teeth healing remedies because xylitol works it really works! ck out: February 5, 2011 at 7:52 am Dennis, Xylitol does not dissolve tarter, I see no way it could …but Periogen will do that for you. Also, bacteria don’t eat tarter. Tarter is mineral deposits, the reason dentists scrape teeth during cleanings. Tarter above the gum line is called calculus and it does give you more bacteria, not because they feed on it, but because it gives them more places to hide. I’ve seen no double blind placebo controlled studies show that Goldenseal helps at all. Prolonged use will cause hypertension, vasoconstriction and diarrhea. Also, NEVER apply garlic directly to your skin! It will cause lesions. You’ll just be in more pain. Use salt water instead of garlic. But so far, you seem to be right about the benefits of xylitol, and I can’t find any significant dangers, other than to dog livers. - In one study, those who chewed 100% xylitol pellet gum had the lowest risk of cavities. - “small glucose and insulin responses also suggest that lactitol and xylitol are suitable components of the diet for diabetic patients. ” – ajcn I don’t know why but my instinct is to avoid xylitol. I have no cavities and I use tea tree oil mouth wash and from time to time periogen, or 3% hydrogen peroxide, or my limited supply of the no longer available novamin. Not as far as I know. The ultrasound stimulates the tooth to grow from the base up and the part you see with the chip is already formed. It can remineralize but there are no living cells there to repair the enamel. Just researching it myself, and have some new information. This is what I have so far. Please see the links (and key notes I’ve taken from them) below. I’d say make a program for yourself from the information below. Pray, visualize, and don’t eat anything that would decrease health. Get support from a friend, loved one, family, whoever you are able to. 1. have a diet high in good fats and in nutrients. reduce sugars. eat from the 4 groups from Weston A Price (google him): add key supplements like E3 Live – v mineral dense colostrum ~ 2 Tbs/day pasture-raised cow butter + fermented cod liver oil flossing/ brushing – keep the bacteria level in the mouth down (dare I say tongue scrape too – get a gadget – check google or your local health food store) clacking or tapping the teeth- stimulates the teeth and the kidney too. do up to 3 sets of 9 or 18 times 2. from look into eating for beauty by david wolfe supplements like silica, MSM oil pulling – google it. I’ve done it. I think there is something to it. 3. Check out 4. Check out Dr Fuller’s work 5. Look into raw food/raw paleo diet. I’d say pick one or two, some combine, some don’t, like raw food and cooked options, but I think there IS a way. I’m working on it too – don’t give up! One more – look into Ramiel Nagel. Don’t get a root canal if you can. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are believed to be the main driver in the task of rebuilding the teeth. Healing techniques which employ the regenerative power of the kidneys include certain qi gong routines, yoga routines, certain herbal and animal foods, and healing through tantric sex (sounds like fun!). For some people, the kidneys may be the primary vehicle for healing the dentition. Read more at: and search for the words above. same page: The style of healing best suited to a particular person can be one of many. Employing several strategies in combination may be the best approach as it avoids the risks that occur if a single bodily system is employed alone. From all my healing, I’ve learned that there is a way. But you usually need to go out of your way, get past frustrations, ignore naysayers, think outside the box! 1. Research all the ways that you can do what you want – in this case, heal a broken or missing tooth. There’s lots out there. 2. Choose a method, a healer, or work with a friend/spouse. Write it down, post it on the wall. Decide on how long you will spend time on it. Even 5 minutes is good. 3. Do a little of your program every day until you get your desired result. Don’t be discouraged. It may take years. Or just months. It may vary. Sometimes prayer is needed. Don’t give up. Choose your method, start it up, and persist. Toothpaste You will need: Coconut oil Baking soda Food-grade hydrogen peroxide Xylitol (optional) or Stevia (optional) Sea Salt (optional) Essential oil (optional) Comfrey root, powder, or extract to regrow cavities and heal the body Don’t stress the measurements, just get the consistency right and make sure it tastes good. This will provide far more profound benefits to your oral hygiene (and more) than any store-bought toothpaste. Your gums will immediately improve, your teeth will become significantly whiter, and your breath will smell better. If you’ve never heard of "oil pulling" I’d recommend looking it up. I also recommend looking into the health benefits of food grade hydrogen peroxide (not the crap adulterated with heavy metals). If you are lazy enough to buy toothpaste at the store, avoid toothpaste with: Fluoride Sodium Laureth/Lauryl Sulfates [SLS] Ingredients you can’t read or understand (not all are bad, but many are petrochemicals, plasticizers, endocrine disruptors, canker-sore causing cleaners, GMO thickeners, etc.) Do not buy commercial toothpastes! Almost all contain glycerin which permeates and coats the teeth for up to several days and prevents them from being remineralized by the saliva. nochmal lesen:

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